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We made it!

WE MADE IT! January is done!

Not much baking was done but boy was it a wild ride!

Usually a very quiet slow month, I genuinely can't believe how much happened, it felt like a whole year in one month! Some highlights:

Superhero fun with Otis 
Lot's of NCT birthday parties 
Fitting out the new kitchen 
Zach turned FIVE!? 
Collapsed lung 
First market of the year 
Moved pallet stacker 
Finished kitchen 
Hanging out with Otis
How does it already feel like its nearly March?!
Much love
Thomas x

We made it!

Comments (4)

Hope you are feeling better!

Jennifer Carter

Lovely idea, great to hear your news
Hope your keep well & continue to make us all happy with your lovely bakes


So sorry to hear you had a health scare, especially so early in the year. Glad you’re getting better and so lovely to see photos of your month, love to you and your beautiful family


Glad that you are better. Kitchen looks great1 Looking forward to all the new bakes, Ill need to buy a treadmill……x

Pauline Baird

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